Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Day three, and it looks like immigration is still being talked about quite a bit. While on Twitter today I came across a short video speaking about the strong need for labor among our family farms in California and Arizona. I was also drawn into a brief argument with a young female Republican who just happened to be Latina.  On the one hand, you have some Latino/Latinas who take issue with the illegality of border crossing, like the young lady did with me this morning, and on the other hand you have middle aged white farmers who are asking for more labor help. Now take a step back with me and ask yourself this one simple question. When viewing the immigration debate from the eyes of the media, is this what you typically encounter? Or rather do you see so often as I do, young people holding anti SB1070 signs and "Veto Romney" signs, while on the flip side of that oft repeated scene you see older white angry males wearing camouflage gear looking like they are about to enter a war zone?

Take a look at this video and recall when is the last time you saw this type of reporting from the MSM.

Sadly, this video was posted a year ago, yet only has 97 views! That is shameful, and call on each of those who are fighting for immigrant rights to share and send this to those of influence who can help get the message out. I have seen similar videos from farmers in Georgia and Alabama. The MSM needs to be called out on this game they play, and I am talking all of them, including FOX News, MSNBC, CBS and CNN. Remember folks they are in a BUSINESS. That means the bottom line is what rules the day. They desire revenues, and the way you get revenues is by attracting businesses who will advertise with you. The way you get more businesses to advertise with you is through statistics that indicate you capture more eyeballs than the competitor, and the way you capture more eye balls is through more sensationalism even if it is at times veiled in what appears to be legitimate news.

You see my dear friends, what you see in this video unfortunately is not very news worthy because there is nothing sensational about it. There is however sensationalism in a white supremacist rally with a counter rally of Latinos across the street, and this is what we are exposed to on a regular basis when talking about the immigration issue.

 It is time that those of us who blog or spend time on social media sites spreading the news begin to make up this shortfall. We must, because I can assure you the MSM will not. Please share your thoughts!

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