Sunday, June 24, 2012

My motivation for starting this blog has been a long and arduous process of watching, reading and listening to a dizzying amount of commentary from both the left and the right political elements in this great country of ours, and I just simply had enough that I finally decided to start my own blog. The majority of the commentary I chose to focus on was immigration, but it sometimes dovetails into economics, religion and occasionally sports and entertainment.
 What really got me going this time, was the Presidents address to NALEO in Miami which in general I agreed with. While I agree with his thoughts regarding the hundreds of thousands of undocumented youth who have to live in the shadows of society for the sins of their parents, I have been extremely disappointed in his administrations actions toward any solutions, which quite frankly were ZERO up until his recent executive order. Up to that point he was the deporter in Chief as he deported more immigrants than all of his predecessors up to Eisenhower who only had more because of his what came to be known as "operation wetback" program that deported record numbers of people in the 1950's.

Two days after his speech to NALEO, President Obama went on the offensive against Mitt Romney by attacking his so called "jobs outsourcing" practices at Bain Capital. This is what motivated me to start this blog. You see, I must in all fairness tell my dear readers that I was 95% certain that the Presidents sudden heart for undocumented youth was entirely motivated by politics and his need for a large share of the Latino vote. His decision to attack Romney as an "outsourcer" crystallized my already strong suspicion of President Obama's motivation. By attacking Romney as an outsourcer, President Obama is in a sense wanting to have his cake and eat it too. You see, most of the jobs that the Latino undocumented already do here are what we would call an "outsourced job". Let's be clear here, an outsourced job is a job that was once occupied by Americans and now being done by foreigners. The majority of jobs today being done by undocumented folks like working the agriculture fields, busing tables, lawn care, hospitality, construction, slaughter houses, housekeeping and many, many others were at one time jobs done by Americans. But as America developed and grew richer, and as each generation grew wealthier and understood the importance of education, we began as a nation to insist that our kids go straight to college from high school. In addition, while my Mother and Fathers generation routinely had 4, 5 or even six kids and sometimes more, the following generations were having far fewer kids, which meant there would be less people to do the jobs once held by young Americans. In other words, demographic forces were at work and these changes which evolve slowly over time were not met with changes in the policies we have in place toward immigration.

While the policies did not change, what did change was the workforce by what I call the free market forces. There are some who stand behind President Obama's position of ridiculing Romney as a "jobs outsourcer", yet two days earlier he was suddenly a fan of our undocumented who will be taking jobs as non citizens just like the one's who reside in India, the Phillipines, China and any other country where US jobs are "outsourced" to. While I am no fan of Romney's, I do believe in free market forces and in allowing US businesses to run their businesses as they see fit. I do not believe in protectionist measures which President Obama seems to be supporting when he attacks the idea of "job outsourcing". After all, what is the difference if we outsource a job to a non American who is in this country illegally or if it is outsourced to an alien in a foreign land? Would the President support the idea of shipping hundreds of thousands of Chinese to our shores here and letting them live here just as guest workers so that they can perform their duties in America as opposed to China? If he wishes to be consistent, he would have to answer yes.

As a Libertarian, I am a big believer in allowing the free market forces to best determine our course of action, especially in the economic realm. If the President wants to send a consistent message regarding immigration, then he must embrace the idea of a free market economy that allows companies to make decisions in their own best interest and in the interest of their shareholders. His compassionate position regarding those young undocumented dreamers is a good start, but he sends a very mixed signal when he attacks the free markets only days later.

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