Monday, June 25, 2012

Well, just one day after starting this new blog, we get a fairly historic decision from the SCOTUS. They strike down all but one of the four provisions of the controversial SB1070 law in the state of Arizona. It is in my opinion a very positive result not only for Latinos, but for the country as well. I have read many opinions today and they were all just about as partisan as the very politicians so many vilify these days. It's no wonder we have a congress that can't seem to work together to fix the countries problems, which are numerous. Immigration is one of many problems we face as a nation, and the SCOTUS in my opinion has helped to put this issue in the spotlight with this decision today. It is my hope that we can get this figured out before the 2012 elections, but realistically it seems to be a longer shot than the proverbial snow ball getting out of hell in tact. Unfortunately, the current path the GOP is on does not seem to be changing direction in any way as it relates to immigration. Ronald Reagan would be rolling over in his grave if he saw what was happening in the modern day GOP.

But it is not only Republicans who are to blame for the immigration problem, Democrats are just as much to blame. President Obama had a majority in the House and Senate when he was elected and he chose to ignore this issue in spite of promising Latinos he would tackle it in his first year in office. In a word, he lied. Now that he is in a fight for his political life, he has made a calculated decision to once again make empty promises towards Latinos by offering only short term relief via his executive order. To be sure, it is better than nothing, but still falls far short of where we as a nation need to be. So how about some good news!

Well, I do believe that in spite of the SCOTUS seeming to be ok with racial profiling, it is my opinion that leaving that provision alone will end up haunting Jan Brewer and Sheriff Joe as they continue to feel the heat in Arizona from immigrant advocacy groups (pun intended). The provision that was left alone, the so called "papers please" provision, will provide plenty of purpose for these groups seeking to oust Sheriff Joe and eventually Governor Brewer just as they unseated Russell Pierce in a bi partisan fashion just a few months ago. I hope by this part of the act being held up, that it becomes a catalyst for mostly partisan groups to come together in an effort to elect more common sense folks to positions of power. Groups like Citizens for a better Arizona and Somos Republicans who are at opposite ends of the political spectrum came together in an effort to oust Pierce, and they succeeded by helping elect Jerry Lewis, a moderate and common sense Republican. CBA certainly deserves kudos for being willing to help put a Republican in office in spite of their leaderships clear progressive and liberal leanings. I hope they will choose the same path by siding with a common sense Independent in Mike Stauffer as he seeks to unseat Sheriff Joe Arpaio. His more than 30,000 signatures is a clear sign that Arizonans are ready for new leadership, and he has the experience to provide it. Let's hope the CBA, and other organizations can step up and come together yet again in an effort to make Arizona a better place for all of it's citizens and a more compassionate place to live and work.

That is my hope! Is it far fetched? Perhaps, but so was the idea of electing an African American as President of the USA not so long ago. There is always hope, ALWAYS!!

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